Saturday, September 4, 2010

THE SUN: "Readers Write"

If you haven't submitted a short autobiographical piece for THE SUN magazine, I encourage you to do so.

Here are the topics and deadlines:

THE BACK DOOR--due October 1st

SHOES--due November 1st

RITES OF PASSAGE--due December 1st

Mail to: Readers Write, The Sun, 107 Roberson St. Chapel Hill, NC 27516

1 comment:

  1. I would like to see us use this site in a way similar to the manner in which our family has begun a communal blog. We post some interesting thing we did or thought or wondered about-we have become much more connected as a result of our minimal efforts. I am practicing here to see what might happen. I have yet to come up with the story that must be told-fiction or non. How are you all faring? Just wondering if anyone reads this....
