Saturday, September 4, 2010

Readings from Naming The World

I've created a suggested reading break-down for the next few months.

The book: Naming The World by a variety of writers and teachers of writing, edited by Bret Anthony Johnston.

By October, try to read the first 64 pages. These pages all suggest a variety of excellent stretches to get you started.

By November's meeting: pages 67-74
By December's meeting: pages 75-85
By January's meeting: pages 86-98
And by February's meeting: pages 99-115

All these chapters have to do with creating believable and complex characters--if you are writing fiction. If you're not writing fiction, you're still dealing with character, including your own character self on the page. Whatever you're working on, these exercises will give you practice in the craft of writing and will deepen your pleasure of reading.

Starting in March, we'll move away from character and into point of view.

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